This blog has been set up for you to aid you with your research and give you the latest tips on getting the most from our library resources.Please feel free to ask questions on this blog page.
Important Library Notice
Christmas Saturday opening in Moylish and Clare St
Saturday December 1st, 2007 – 9.30a.m. – 1.15p.m.
Saturday December 8th, 2007 – 9.30a.m. – 1.15p.m.
NEW STUFF ON THE DATABASE PAGE !!!OH its all very exciting at the moment as we've been lucky enough to get two very important databases on trial.
Trial to Encyclopaedia Britannica has been extended to December 11th 2007.This is a fantastic resource and you should really check it out while we have it.http://www.search.eb.com/
Secondly,Wilson Web who give us the ART INDEX (abstracts from premier journals across the Art disciplines) have given us a free trial of Wilson Omnifile Fulltext untill the 31st of December.This is vital to Art Students,whereas previously you were simply given the abstract(summary)of the article,and you then had to source the journal to see the full article,now all you have to do is click on the pdf and ,hey presto, you can print the entire article,images and all !!
Wilson OmniFile is a multidisciplinary database covering the following subject areas:
Applied Science and Technology; Art; Biological and Agricultural Sciences; Business; Education; General Science; Humanities; Law; Library and Information Science; Social Sciences and coverage of popular newsstand publications.Wilson ImniFile Fulltext offers fulltext of articles from a total of 1,484 publications & abstracts and indexing from 2,901 publications.To access any database on the Library webpage www.mislibsrv.lit.ie/ , you need to enter
Student\K0000---- followed by your normal password!
Exhibition Catalogues – signified by
blue tape on the spines, are collected by the Library. We find that these are the best source of information on what is happening in the contemporary Art world. We also have a growing selection of Irish Auction House Art catalogues
Journals We stock over 160 different journals dedicated to various aspects of the Art World. These are located at the end of the library. The most recent edition can be found on the display shelves with this year’s editions available behind the display shelves.
Issues from other years are placed in Boxes in alphabetical order followed by yearly order.
Fashion Journals-the most recent are on the Windows near the photocopiers.
If you want one- to- one training on how to use the Library databases – make an appointment with the Library staff for a time on Tuesday evening that suits you and we will show you!
MOYLISH CAMPUS...CHECK OUT...Childrensdatabase.ie – Irish information and research hub on children url:
http://childrensdatabase.ie/. This is a fantastic resource for all of you taking social studies and social care.It has a collection of databases, specialist libraries, Irish, European and international resources, organised as follows:
Agencies and organisations, Databases, Data sources, E-journals, Key documents, Libraries and Information Gateways, OMC Policy and Research Publications, Policy Documents Database
National, European and International Children’s Observatories, Documentation Centres and Research Dissemination Units ,Links organised according to the National Children’s Strategy Schedule of Objectives outlined below:
a) Early Education and Development – including Childcare Services, Family-friendly Employment Measures
b) Education
c) Physical, Emotional and Mental Well-being
d) Play, Sport, Recreational and Cultural
e) Information and Communication Technologies
f) Abuse and Exploitation
g) Financial Supports
h) Accommodation
i) Legislation/Legal Issues/Children’s Rights
j) Disability
k) Social and Cultural Diversity
l) Family Life
m) Local Communities
n) Environment (built and natural)
Irish Government Policy Documents
A collection of full-text policy documents, produced by Irish Government departments and approximately 70 State agencies (1996 to the present), on issues that directly affect children. The database is fully indexed and contains abstracts and full publication details for each item, including the availability of Irish language and disabled access versions.
Science Direct contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information in the form of e-journals including Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Humanities, Sciences including biology, physics, chemistry and much more!
Read or print articles on campus using your username and password or from home using our Off Campus Access Service.
At the time of writing Science Direct has over 2000 peer reviewed journals and an amazing 8,632,673 Articles! Search by author, title, keyword and a host of other ways to find the article you want in seconds! Please call to the Library Desk for further information.
You can also use Science Direct to create your own library of resources within Science Direct to store recent searches, and full articles viewed. You can easily link back to them with one click.
Likewise you can access directly all saved searches, email alerts and set up your own quick links on Science Direct.
Here are some Journals which the publishers have recently allowed the library to have online access to. These are not included in the existing e-journals list.
Architects Journal, Property Week, Atz Automobiltechniche,
Mtz Automobiltechniche, Economist, Event Management, Management Today, Issues in Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Journal of Chemical Education,Journal of Chromatographic Science, Sound on Sound
If anyone has any queries (passwords for these etc.) please don't hesitate to contact Sean De Bhulbh. Contact by phone @ 208489, or e- mail sean.debhulbh@lit.ie Art Museum Image Gallery – Trial
Patrons are advised of the following trial to the Art Museum Image Gallery. The Art Museum Image Gallery is a rich digital resource of art images and related multimedia gathered from the collections of distinguished museums around the world. All images are rights-cleared for educational use. This trial is available via the Art Index link on the library web resources page.
Feedback on this resource is welcome. Please contact the library issue desk or email
sarah.landy@lit.ie .