Thursday, October 23, 2008


The Irish Times Archive is a new electronic library acquisition since September 2008. The archive is a major source of research and general interest alike. It can be accessed via the LIT Library Website (select the Online Databases link). The archive also contains both a digital version of the newspaper back to 1859 and a text version of articles back to 1996. Phrase searching To find an exact phrase place quotation marks at either side of your search term, e.g. “active learning” . If you are searching for an event use the term that may have been used in the report of the day, e.g. World War 1 was known as the Great War. Terms that are used in modern day language may differ from those terms used at the time when the article was published. Search Weighting Higher weighting can be given to more important words by placing a plus (+) sign in front of them. Less important words are preceded by a minus (-) sign. For example to search for documents on wind energy but not about systems you would specify the following search string: +wind +energy –systems. Sorting Options You can determine how the results of your search are displayed; by the closest match, newest or oldest articles. Refine Options Search results can be refined by newspaper section, e.g. finance, education or property. Results can also be further refined by date or by inserting additional words into the relevant fields.

Olive Vaughan, Business & IT Subject Librarian, Email :

Property People take note

Have you checked out our database lexisNexis Butterworth- Halisbury’s Laws Irish Property? Do you know that you can access the full text of the latest editions of Wylie books published by Butterworths on Land law? For example books such as “Irish land Law”, “Irish Conveyancing Law”, “Landlord and tenant law” and “Casebook on equity and trust”.
To access simply go to our database page, click on LexisNexis Butterworth- Halisbury’s Laws Irish Property (take note of the I.D. and password required before you click!) and then check out all the books on “my bookshelf” on the right hand side of the page!

Brid Foster Deputy Librarian Email:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


LIT Library is pleased to announce access to "The International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP)", "Design and Applied Arts Index (DAII)", and, "Arts and Humanities Full Text" for a trial period.
ProQuest provides seamless access to and navigation of more than 125 billion digital pages of the world's scholarship, delivering it to the desktop and into the workflow of serious researchers in multiple fields, from arts, literature, and social science to science, technology, and medicine.To access these databases visit the LIT Library Website at - click on Online Databases- them click on the link-CLICK HERE FOR NEW DATABASE TRIALS!
These trials period ends on the 31st of October 2008.

Monday, October 13, 2008


The Library of the Limerick School of Art & Design is delighted with the success of their special collection of Artists’ Books. Many of these Artists books are published by Coracle press in Co. Tipperary and are usually limited editions.
These books are not about Art, but rather Art expressed through Book Form. The collection is displayed near the main desk of the Library and all items can be borrowed for two week periods. The purpose of the Artist/writer is to involve the reader more completely in the viewing process by looking at how the text, the pictures and the physical form all combine to lend greater meaning for the reader/viewer. The traditional formats of books are played around with and the end results are usually highly creative. This collection is a welcome addition to the Art Library.