Thursday, February 26, 2009


L.I.T. library are delighted to announce the introduction of 5 new online databases, 4 of which are Ebsco databases acquired in association with the IRel initiative. These databases cover a wide range of subject disciplines, and will be of benefit to all L.I.T.’s student body. The 4 Ebsco databases are as follows: 1. Academic Source Premier – “The world’s largest scholarly, fulltext multidiscipline database..”. Coverage includes biology, chemistry, engineering, I.T., physics and psychology to name but a few. 2. Business Source Premier - “The industry’s most popular business research database”. Its extensive fulltext content includes, all business disciplines, as well as, market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and S.W.O.T. analyses 3. Regional Business News – A supplemental database to customers of Business Source Premier with access to over 50 regional business publications U.S.A.). 4. UK/ Ireland Reference Centre – A database of British and Irish reference sources, including encyclopaedias, photos and maps.
And finally ,our fifth new database 5. PubMed Central, a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature, provided by the United States, National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.)
All these new databases are available online at


Test your library knowledge

The LIT Library is holding a Quiz hosted on Moodle as part of our Library Week Activities. Great Prizes to be won. All you have to do is log on and answer some simple multiple choice questions related to the LIT library.
For a copy of the LSAD quiz, come to our Clare Street Library issue desk. Go on, you know you want to…….


WRITE A “LIMERICK” ABOUT THE LIBRARY COMPETITION Origins of the limerick: In the history of Irish Literature the town of Croom , in the heart of the County limerick, is celebrated as the meeting place of the 18th century “Fili na Maighe” (the Gaelic poets of the Maigue). This was the original birthplace of the “Limerick”! How do I compose one? A Limerick is a five-line poem written with one couplet and one triplet. The rhyme pattern is a a b b a with lines 1, 2 & 5 containing 3 beats and rhyming, and lines 3 & 4 having 2 beats and rhyming. They often contain hyperbole, onomatopoeia, idioms, and puns.The last line of a good limerick contains the PUNCH LINE or "heart of the joke”. As part of Library Ireland week we are holding a Limerick Competition. All you have to do is use this line as a starter point; “THE LIBRARY IS A WONDERFUL PLACE”…….. Get your creative juices flowing and give us a giggle.Great Prizes. Closing date March 8th. Entries to


Libraries: inspiring entrepreneurship”
LIT Library Services join forces with Network Ireland to launch Library Ireland Week in the Limerick Region

LIT Library Services is delighted to announce its partnership with Network Ireland for the launch of the 2009 Library Ireland Week in the Limerick Region.The launch will take place at the LIT Millennium Theatre at 3:00 p.m. Monday, 2nd March, 2009 with the help of Ms. Dorothy Quinn, President of Network Limerick.

The theme of this year’s Library Ireland Week is “Libraries: inspiring entrepreneurship” and because the week coincides with International Women’s Day, LIT is taking the opportunity to celebrate women in business and entrepreneurship and the role Librarians can play in inspiring these entrepreneurs.
Jerald Cavanagh, Institute Librarian at LIT says “The role of the Librarian has never been so important than in these challenging economic times. What we need now is inspiring ideas and vision and Libraries and Librarians have the knowledge and expertise to instil vital research skills and guide potential entrepreneurs through the substantial information resources provided by Libraries and the enormous information resource that is the Internet."
Library Ireland Week 2009 takes place from the 2nd to the 9th of March 2009 in libraries all over Ireland and is a national celebration of the work of Librarians and Libraries in Ireland highlighting their work by holding events, drawing attention to the issues Librarians and Libraries face and celebrating their achievements.
Dorothy Quinn, President of Network Limerick – an organisation for women in business, the professions and the arts - said the role of libraries for personal and professional use is invaluable: "I have used libraries myself for the purposes of researching my masters thesis and continue to use libraries today. Network Limerick encourages its members to use libraries and realises their vital role in inspiring entrepreneurship."
Library Ireland Week in the Limerick Region is a joint initiative of Libraries from University of Limerick, Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick City Library, Limerick County Library and Mary Immaculate College.
For more information on Library Ireland Week see