Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Padraig Kirby received a Master of Science in Information and Library Studies with Merit from Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Colette Real received an honours degree in Information and library studies (B.Sc.Econ) from Aberystwyth University, Wales. Welcome back we’ve missed you madly over the Summer. We are very excited about meeting all our new students. Over the last few weeks you were given library induction tours so hopefully you are getting to grips with the layout and function. Your student card is your library card, and you may borrow books and DVD’s, you will also have journals and online databases available for your perusal. The most important thing to remember right now is that we are accessible and not to be afraid to come to the desk and ask us for help, we know it is a difficult few weeks as you adjust to a new environment but we’re here to help….so use us! Picyured above: Colette at her Graduation in July 2013, enjoying a fantastic day with family and friends which she said ‘made the last four years worthwhile’.