Staff were delighted to dress in red on friday the 23rd of May as a token of their support for Munster.....who won the Heineken Cup Final in Cardiff on Saturday 24th May to the delight of the country.
Pictured wearing their Munster colours are Marie Ryan(LSAD Campus Library) and Brid Foster(Deputy Institute Librarian). Pictured in the LIT Moylish Campus were Anne O'Donoghue,Mary Devitt,Olive Vaughan,Margaret MacMahon and Colette Real.

Library Ireland Week 2008 was a great success.Pictured above are Willie O'Dea(who officially launched the event) with Institute Librarian Jerald Cavanagh and The Director of the L.I.T. Maria Hinfelaa. Also pictured are some of the Library staff from L.I.T. and other Libraries in the Limerick/Clare region, who attended the event.We had lots of competitions throughout the week of avtivities and pictured above are some of our joyous prizewinners-Emer O'Donoghue receiving 1st prize for LIT Moodle Quiz from Librarians Monika Bukowska and Olive Vaughan, Rozzi Kennedy 1st prize for LSAD Library Quiz, Dylan O'Neil 1st prize in Photography Competition and Shane O'Riordan 2nd prize in the Photography Competition.Congratulations to all.
LIT Library are pleased to announce a suite of New Library User Guides accessible through the LIT Library Website. Incorporating Subject specific and Shelf number guides they provide essential information on such areas as Finding books at LIT Library, Journals and their advantages, Online Journals and Databases, Subject Librarians, Inter-Library Loans and more!
Providing a succinct guide to the resources available in your subject area in electronic and printed forms they are an ideal way of digesting the range of Library services available for your specific subject area. The guides are available to download or print at URL=http://mislibsrv.lit.ie/screens/Libraryguides.htm .
As well as availability online the guides are also available in hardcopy format in the Library where they are displayed in front of the Library Desk so please take one!
LIT Library is pleased to announce access to Safari Books Online Database for a trial period.
Safari Books Online is a fully searchable reference library with technical content for IT developers, programmers, web designers, business professionals, creative professionals, corporations, and for leadership and management.
It provides instant access to entire collections from respected publishers like O'Reilly Media, Adobe Press, Peachpit Press,Microsoft Press, Wharton School Publishing, Que, Sams and Addison-Wesley, to name a few.
To access this database visit the LIT Library Website - click on Online Databases- them click on link- CLICK HERE FOR NEW DATABASE TRIALS!
This trial period for Safari Books online ends on the 12th of June 2008.For further information please contact: Padraig Kirby.@lit.ie

Don't forget that the Library will be open all summer from 9-5 Monday to Friday...do call in and use it (we miss ye!). Good Luck in the exams and have a lovely summer x
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