I get very nostalgic about the books that were read to me as a child. They were very often from the ladybird collection, most memorably ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. I found Roald Dahl’s books very encouraging when I started to read myself and loved ‘The Twits’. Like most of my generation the Harry Potter books were a must read!
College Years: ‘Animal Farm’, ‘Slaughterhouse 5’, ‘Fight Club’ and graphic novel ‘This One Summer’ were some great books that I read while in college. The ‘Attachment and Loss’ trilogy by psychologist John Bowlby provided pivotal research for my final year in college. ‘The Paradoxical Object’ was a major source of inspiration for my college work that really helped me grow as an artist.
Library Story: I cannot think of one particular story about a library but rather an amazing overall experience. As recent graduate of L.S.A.D. I can safely say the Library there was an invaluable resource for me as a student. I would not have been able to achieve my academic goals without the help and support of the Librarians at the college. Their commitment to the library and the students has inspired me to follow their example and become a Librarian.
Desert Island Book: I always find myself going back to ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ as it never lets me down for a good laugh although ‘The Lord of the Rings’ would be a more tactical choice to bring to a desert Island as I’d get a bit more mileage out of it!

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