Thursday, October 22, 2015
A.B.L.E.-Artists’ Books Limerick Exhibition

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
LIT Library wins €1.6 million to modernize library services across Europe
LIT Library have been funded in two major EU funding programmes winning a total grant of €1,600,496 from the European Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to lead the modernization and development of quality library services across multiple countries in Europe.
As Lead Partner and Grant Holder, LIT will lead the Capacity Building ERASMUS+ project Library Network Support Services: modernizing libraries in Western Balkan countries through staff development and reforming library services.
LIT Library have also been funded as a partner in another ERASMUS+ Capacity Building project with a budget of €791,628 entitled Library Network Support Services: modernizing libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries.
The new projects will be managed by Jerald Cavanagh, Institute Librarian, LIT, on behalf of the Project Management Committee (PMC) and coordinated by Padraig Kirby, Senior Library Assistant, LIT.
“The winning of these projects is a very significant development and will see LIT Library lead the process of reinforcing and modernizing all aspects of libraries in both the Western Balkan Region and in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus - improving the level of competencies and skills of library staff in the region “
This will see LIT Library take the lead role in the modernization of library standards & practices in seven countries in Europe. We are delighted and proud to have been selected by the EACEA to undertake these projects which will place LIT Library at the forefront of library modernisation in Europe
In this year’s call, apart from Dublin City University, LIT are the only Irish organization who have been selected as grant holder to lead an ERASMUS+ Capacity Building project and out of 515 applications submitted LIT were one of 140 projects selected.
This is not the first success LIT Library have had in the area of EU funding. In 2011, Limerick Institute of Technology through LIT Library became the first Irish institution of any kind to lead a Tempus project since Tempus began in 1990 with their leading of the EU Tempus project RINGIDEA: Developing information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy in Western Balkan countries. This project also involves higher education institutions from Romania, Greece, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99 and Montenegro. This project secured 1.2 million from the EU TEMPUS programme -the largest grant ever awarded to a library and information science project in the history of the Tempus programme.
In 2012 LIT Library enjoyed further success with news of their involvement as a partner in the ASPIRE project, another European Union funded TEMPUS project. ASPIRE (Access to Society for People with Individual Requirements) aims to develop access to inclusive education in Armenia and Georgia. This €800,000 project which is led by Ilia State University, Tbilisi Georgia also involves EU partners from UK, Germany and Slovakia as well as 5 institutions in Armenia and 4 institutions from Georgia. This project will promote and develop access to inclusive education, to social integration and to non-discrimination treatment of those with special needs.
In 2014 Jerald Cavanagh and Padraig Kirby were recognised by the European Projects Association for Distinguished effort in the Development of the European Union through European Projects and for efforts in building a better society for their Tempus project work in the Western Balkans Region. They received their award at the European Project Awards Ceremony which took place on October 8th 2014 in the European Parliament, Brussels.
For further information about these projects please contact: Jerald Cavanagh, LIT Librarian 061 208806 Jerald.Cavanagh@lit.ie OR Padraig Kirby, Senior Library Assistant 061 293516 Padraig.Kirby@lit.ie
Padraig and Jerald pictured below

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
An exhibition of the photography of Wally Cassidy will open in the LSAD foyer space this Wednesday October 7 at 7pm. Cassidy's book ' The Other Half Lives' documents the pre celtic tiger Ireland of the late 80's and early 90's and was published to critical acclaim in 2014. Prints from the book will be available to buy on the night @ 50 euro as will copies of the book supplied by O Mahoney's bookshop. This event is organised by LSAD's Photography and Lens based Media course and will be opened by its course leader Paul Tarpey. Of course - the book is also in your LSAD Library at shelf number 770.9415 CAS - and a brilliant book it is too!

Friday, October 2, 2015
Brian Friel dies 2nd October 2015
Brian Friel 1929-2015
The acclaimed Irish Playwright best known for Dancing At Lughnasa, Philadelphia, Here I Come and Translations passed away aged 86.
Dancing At Lughnasa won the 1992 Tony Award for Best Play in New York; it was adapted for screen and filmed on location in Ireland in 1997.
In addition to awards for his plays, Brian Friel received a lifetime achievement award from the Irish Times in 1999.
Brian Friel -Writers and Their Work by Geraldine Higgins is available on library database ebrary.
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