February 2016 LSAD.
Lsad Library is collaborating with Staff member Alan Crowley in arranging an Artists’ Books exhibition next February. Work has started on organising talks on the Library Collection, workshops on book-binding and printing, and will culminate in an exhibition of Student work (both past and present).
An artist’s book is an artwork in book format, or an artwork which has its origin in the form or concept of the book. Artist’s books come in all forms, shapes and sizes and can be created from a variety of materials including wood, handmade paper, photographic paper, metal or stone. There can be folded, sculptural, traditional, altered, pop-up or loose leaf. It can include TEXT....or not. It can include IMAGES or not. The binding can be hand-sewn, boxed, commercially finished or non- existent. They can be one-off or limited to a certain number. And the content? Anything goes.
As Eddie Vedder from the song 'Guaranteed' said…"I know all the rules, but the rules do not know me".
Lucy Lippard wrote “artists’ books are not books about art or on artists, but books as art”.
LSAD Library prides itself on their ever growing collection and variety of Artists’ books. They now hold approx. 1,200 ‘books’

We’ll keep you posted as the details get finalised
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