Two of the worlds greatest creatives EVER- passed away this January, leaving in their wake a body of work that will live forever. Both were voracious readers.
Alan was featured in the ‘Read’ series of posters. Created by the American Library Association (ALA) in 1985, the “READ” poster features a celebrity posing with their favourite book. The celebrities are chosen because of their popularity, appeal, and visibility to a general audience, and the ALA tries to feature a range of diverse talents who would be inspire both adults and children. He chose The catcher in the rye.
A list of 100 of Bowie’s favourite books has been unveiled as part of the launch of the ‘David Bowie Is’ art exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Bowie’s literary list is as eclectic as the man himself, it contains fiction/non-fiction, essays, poetry and comics. It features classic novels like A Clockwork Orange, The Great Gatsby and Lolita, Rock Criticism includes Mystery Train and Sweet Soul Music. The list ranges from highbrow titles The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind to light reading in the form of a compilation of The Beano. To see the full list go to

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