This weeks star reader is our fabulous fourth year ‘print and combined media’ student Ed Kenehan. Ed he has an avid interest in film and has donated many, many,amazing DVD’s to our library so instead of books I asked Ed to name the films that have had the biggest influence on his life.
Favourite Childhood Film: There are two films that stand out from my childhood, both directed by John Ford, ‘How Green was my Valley’ and ‘The Grapes of Wrath’. Some of the scenes in ‘The Grapes of Wrath remind me of photographer Dorothy Lange's’ photographs from the American depression. It has the most beautiful scenes shot in black and white that I have ever seen on film.
My most influential college movie is David Lynch’s ‘Erasurehead’. Lecturer Dara Waldron ran a seminar on David Lynch, and to get a better insight into the director and his movie I picked the course. One of the strangest films I have ever seen but after the seminar I looked at it completely differently, again it was made in black and white and the use of background audio is brilliant.
Desert Island Having read about Alexander Selkirk in school and finding out that Robinson Crusoe was actually based on this real life incident fascinated me. Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ is another favourite, I have seen different versions over the years of this in film, but my favourite Long John Silver will always be Robert Newton. I can’t forget poor Benn Gunn left alone on that island and all he wanted was a piece of cheese!
My favourite library anecdote is: in first year one of the girls from sculpture approached me in the library and asked me to put my most important college items into a box and explain why they were important to me... I put in my USB memory sticks ..but now I have three divine librarians instead.
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