Friday, December 23, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
We do love Bloom magazine..always visually stunning and inspirational. The latest one is on faith in case anyone is doing reaearch on this topic:
Recognizing their inspirations and yielding to innate creative urges, artists and designers will build up the needed confidence to create new matter, landscape other horizons, design decorative objects, weave unusual fibers, draw non-existent flowers, created with the deep conviction that aesthetic expressions will resonate with others and are able to heal and care for people. Faith grows from future generations, professing their reliance on inner strength, convinced to reroute society the way they see it; convivial, cooperative, concerting, concerned, a society where truth remains an important quality and flexible forms of constancy help to compose the rhythm of existence.
Li Edelkoort

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
5th International Summit of the Book
In conjunction with the US Library of Congress, the Library Association of Ireland (LAI), the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Libraries Northern Ireland, the National Library of Ireland, the Society of National, College and University Libraries (SCONUL), the Consortium of National and University Libraries (CONUL) and other partners, Limerick Institute of Technology Library are proud to host the 5th International Summit of the Book, which will be held in the Strand Hotel, Limerick, November 2-3rd 2016 http://www.summitofthebook2016.com/ This is the first time that this prestigious International Summit has been hosted in Ireland.
The International Summit of the Book is one of the important initiatives launched by the US Library of Congress to emphasize the key position of the book and libraries in preserving national cultural identities and human civilization. The inaugural Summit took place in Washington D.C. on 6–7 December 2012. Every year, the Summit is held in a city that has a global cultural impact—namely Washington, Singapore and Paris in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively. Last year this important cultural event was held for the first time in Africa and the Arab world- in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt under the theme “Books, Reading, and Technology”.
Taking inspiration from Samuel Beckett- one of our most eminent writers, the theme for this year’s Summit is ‘Words are all we have,’ the Book: History, Knowledge and Technology, the Voyage’.Eminent international figures, intellectuals, and library professionals from around the world will participate in this event.
The Summit which is supported by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the US Library of Congress will discuss key issues on technology and manuscripts, including the role of translation in the preservation and transmission of culture, and the book as an important tool in cultural exchange. The Summit will also discuss the development of books into electronic formats, and its impact on reading; the challenges facing books and the publishing industry and the role of books and reading in societies.
This International Summit is a unique and historic event- as it brings together the most important and influential library organisations on the island of Ireland.
For further information about the 5th International Summit of the Book please contact:
Jerald Cavanagh Institute Librarian, LIT - 00353)61 208806; Mobile (00353)86 8366726 Email Jerald.Cavanagh@lit.ie or Padraig Kirby, Senior Library Assistant, LIT (00353)61 293516; Mobile(00353)87 9734896 Email Padraig.Kirby@lit.ie
Monday, October 17, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
E-book platform
LIT Library would like to inform that Ebrary database has just moved to the new platform ProQuest Ebook Central. Ebook Central platform has been designed for accessibility and ease of use and is very similar to the Ebraryplatform. All existing Ebrary patron accounts have been transferred to the Ebook Central platform. If you have Ebrary bookmarks or items on the bookshelf, don’t worry, they will be redirected to the new page!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Well done to all who completed their Theses and FYP’s for the last academic year. We are always very excited when they arrive into the library, they are a nice reminder of you and your chosen topic. It’s quite a good feeling when your work is bound and processed and sitting on a shelf for other students to be inspired by, it means all that research has paid off. And they are ‘Library use only’ so they get extra special attention and no-one can take them home. And for all of you currently pondering a topic and beginning the research process don’t be afraid to avail of library training...it really will make life easier!

Friday, September 30, 2016
Library Training Workshops
Library Training Workshops Library training workshops have kicked in!
We ran quite a few in September but we have more in October for anyone who missed them.
October 4th Introduction to Endnote October 6th Library resources for getting started with your thesis October 12th Summon, ebrary & other library databases October 13th Harvard Referencing workshop October 19th Summon, ebrary & other library databases October 20th Library resources for getting started with your thesis
October 25th Introduction to Endnote
October 27th Harvard Referencing workshop
Training will be held in the Library Training Room in Moylish Library from 1-2 pm. All welcome!

Monday, September 5, 2016
Star Reader Edward Kenehan
This weeks star reader is our fabulous fourth year ‘print and combined media’ student Ed Kenehan. Ed he has an avid interest in film and has donated many, many,amazing DVD’s to our library so instead of books I asked Ed to name the films that have had the biggest influence on his life.

Favourite Childhood Film: There are two films that stand out from my childhood, both directed by John Ford, ‘How Green was my Valley’ and ‘The Grapes of Wrath’. Some of the scenes in ‘The Grapes of Wrath remind me of photographer Dorothy Lange's’ photographs from the American depression. It has the most beautiful scenes shot in black and white that I have ever seen on film.
My most influential college movie is David Lynch’s ‘Erasurehead’. Lecturer Dara Waldron ran a seminar on David Lynch, and to get a better insight into the director and his movie I picked the course. One of the strangest films I have ever seen but after the seminar I looked at it completely differently, again it was made in black and white and the use of background audio is brilliant.
Desert Island Having read about Alexander Selkirk in school and finding out that Robinson Crusoe was actually based on this real life incident fascinated me. Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ is another favourite, I have seen different versions over the years of this in film, but my favourite Long John Silver will always be Robert Newton. I can’t forget poor Benn Gunn left alone on that island and all he wanted was a piece of cheese!
My favourite library anecdote is: in first year one of the girls from sculpture approached me in the library and asked me to put my most important college items into a box and explain why they were important to me... I put in my USB memory sticks ..but now I have three divine librarians instead.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Star Reader LIT Lecturer Simon McGuire
LIT Lecturer Simon McGuire, founder and director of the Limerick Film Festival, who lives by the mantra ‘choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life’, took time out to tell us about his favourite books...and explain why he’ll always have a conversation on a desert island.
Favourite Book: The Craftsman By Richard Sennett: This text presents a philosophically-minded enquiry into the idea of craftsmanship. It is divided into three parts: addressing the craftsman at work; the development of skill; and whether motivation counts for more than talent.
Most important college book: Social Research Methods By Alan Bryman: This introduction to research methods provides students and researchers with unrivalled coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methods, making it invaluable for anyone embarking on social research. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, and packed full of engaging examples and practical tips to equip students with the tools and knowledge needed for them to complete their own research projects.
Desert Island book: The Conversations By Michael Ondaatje: The Conversations is a treasure, essential for any lover or student of film, and a rare, intimate glimpse into the worlds of two accomplished artists who share a great passion for film and storytelling, and whose knowledge and love of the crafts of writing and film shine through.

Sunday, May 8, 2016
LIT Library host delegates from over 20 countries at Global Learn Conference on Learning Technology
LIT Library recently hosted the Global Learn: Global Conference on Learning Technology in Limerick city April 28th-29th 2016. Global Learn is an international education conference dedicated to furthering advancement and innovation in learning and technology and is an initiative of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This years Global Learn was held in the Savoy Hotel, Henry Street, Limerick city and attracted delegates from over 20 countries. Councillor Gerald Mitchell, Deputy Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, delivered the opening address at the Conference. Noted keynote speakers at this years Global Learn included Lynda Donovan former Head of Pedagogy and Learning Design at the Learnovate Technology Centre in Trinity College Dublin, currently a consultant, researcher and entrepreneur, and Dr Nicola Whitton-Professor of Professional Learning at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Global Learn is the first of 3 Major International Library Conferences hosted by LIT Library during 2016. In November LIT Library will host the prestigious annual International Summit of the Book. This Summit which will attract up to 400 delegates to Limerick city is one of the important initiatives launched by the US Library of Congress to emphasize the key position of the book and libraries in preserving national cultural identities and human civilization. The inaugural Summit took place in Washington D.C. on 6–7 December 2012. Every year, the Summit is held in a city that has a global cultural impact—namely Washington, Singapore, and Paris in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014 respectively. Last year this important cultural event was held for the first time in Africa and the Arab world- in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt.
in December LIT Library will host the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT) which will bring up to 200 delegates to Limerick city. ICCSIT is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Computer and Information Science and Information Technology. The Conference is supported and sponsored by the American Society of Research. ICCSIT has been held previously in cities such as Singapore, Chengdu, Beijing, Hong Kong, Paris, Barcelona and Amsterdam and is now in its 9th year and we are delighted that LIT will host this international Conference in 2016.
Photo Courtesy of Lynne Brislane

Friday, April 29, 2016
Book Orders by May 23rd
LIT library service is pleased to invite order requests from academic staff for library items which will be purchased over the summer period.
To assist the library staff with this process and to ensure the requested items are fully integrated into our library collection by September 5, 2016, please return completed order forms to your local library no later than Monday May 23, 2016.
Staff are reminded that order requests must be approved by their Head of Department, and that all orders are checked against the library catalogue. Please note that orders may be subject to
budgetary constraints.

Friday, April 22, 2016
A Prince in more ways than one….
The musical genius, who sadly passed away this April, was also a library hero. In 2011 he donated $12,000 to Louisville's Western Branch Library, which in 1905 became the first library in the nation operated by and serving African Americans. Library communications director Paul Burns, a massive Prince fan who worked as a graphic artist at the library in 2011 when the check arrived, asked if he could scan a copy of the check and donation letter from Prince's charity, Love 4 One Another, the letter designed the funds to "assist your library in reaching all areas of the community." Somehow he'd learned about the significance of the western branch," Burns said. "He was a very generous artist and very interested in culturally significant things in the African American community."
The library was initially called the ‘Western Colored Library’. It wasn't until the 1940s that Louisville libraries were integrated. The Prince donation was used for children's programming and outreach services. R.I.P. to a legend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
LSAD star reader
The most beloved LSAD sculpture technician Pat Biesty is a genius who has the perfect solution to being stranded on a desert island .. Just don’t count on him to get you a take-away!
Childhood book - favourite daytime reads were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and favourite bedtime was The tiger that came to tea by Judith Kerr College book - Ways of seeing by John Berger Desert island - Encyclopedia Britannica complete 30 volume set 15th edition plus 12 volume extra—the ones that every house in the country had at one stage, before the internet.
I could read a few, burn a few for fuel, maybe eat a few, and if I had a bit of PVA make a boat to get off the island, …..and a kindle with a library of books! My mother told me this one. When I was 10 I went to the local library with her, went up to the counter and said, "I'll HAVE A CHEESE-BURGER, CHIPS AND A COKE!" “Shhhh! Please" says the librarian. "This is a library. You'll have to be quiet!" My mother makes me say sorry, after a few minutes I whisper in a very low voice, "I'll have a cheese-burger, chips and a Coke!"

Artists’ Books Limerick Exhibition February 2016 LSAD.
ABLE - Artists' Books Limerick Exhibition is an exciting exhibition open to Students and Staff of LSAD - both past and present! Closing date for submissions is Monday, 8th February and the exhibition will run in the foyer from 15th -29th February. Gonna be great folks!!!!
To coincide with the ABLE Artists' books exhibition, LSAD are delighted to run four different workshops on various aspects of book-making and binding techniques. Bella Walsh , Artist, Printer and Bookmaker is running these.
These workshops are scheduled for 28th and 29th January.
Workshop A: Thurs 28th 10.00am - 12.30pm 'Concertinas and folded books'.
Workshop B: Thurs. 28th 1.30pm - 4.00pm. Glued case bound books.
Workshop C: Fri. 29th 10.00am - 12.30pm ' The Coptic, complex single leaf binding.
Workshop D: 1.30pm - 4.00pm 'Coptic - continued'
For more information - contact Anne Culhane or Alan Crowley….or the Facebook page ABLE LSAD.
Friday, January 15, 2016
The World Mourns …..Alan Rickman and David Bowie
Two of the worlds greatest creatives EVER- passed away this January, leaving in their wake a body of work that will live forever. Both were voracious readers.
Alan was featured in the ‘Read’ series of posters. Created by the American Library Association (ALA) in 1985, the “READ” poster features a celebrity posing with their favourite book. The celebrities are chosen because of their popularity, appeal, and visibility to a general audience, and the ALA tries to feature a range of diverse talents who would be inspire both adults and children. He chose The catcher in the rye.
A list of 100 of Bowie’s favourite books has been unveiled as part of the launch of the ‘David Bowie Is’ art exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Bowie’s literary list is as eclectic as the man himself, it contains fiction/non-fiction, essays, poetry and comics. It features classic novels like A Clockwork Orange, The Great Gatsby and Lolita, Rock Criticism includes Mystery Train and Sweet Soul Music. The list ranges from highbrow titles The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind to light reading in the form of a compilation of The Beano. To see the full list go to http://www.davidbowie.com/news/bowie-s-top-100-books-complete-list-52061

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